Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Dread 3D 2012 movie

Release Date: 21/09/2012 (3D/2D theaters).
Studio: Lionsgate.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi.                         
Taglines: Judgment is coming.
Country: USA, UK and India.
Language: English.
MPAA Rating: R (meaning strong language, strong bloody violence, sexual content and drug use).
Runtime: 1hr: 30min.
Budget: $45,000,000 (estimated).
Actors: Carl Urban (Judge Dredd), Olivia Thirlby (Anderson), and Lena Heady (Ma-Ma).
Director: Pete Travis.
Writer: Carlos Ezquerra (Characters), Alex Garland (Screen play) and John Wagner (Characters).

From Boston to Washington DC happens to be a big city which street is controlled by criminals and it’s always chaotic. Judge Dredd being the general Judge of judges who possess all the powers and to whom order lies as in cops was given assignment to teach Cassandra Anderson the anxious lady.
They were forced to venture where fellow judge hate to, as a call from a flagitious crime.
 Ma-Ma as a drug Lord and a clan leader protects her kingdom by initiating a serious war against the Judges when they entered the heart of her territory in a 200 story vertical slum owned by sluts.
If they are a category of people to praise, it’s the cinematography guys because they gave their best, as well as Music guys, Rupert Coulson and Yann McCullough. The soundtrack composer Paul Leonard-Morgan had some awesome tracks which were good for listening more especially tracks like Ma-Ma’s Requiem, Slo-Mo, Judgment time, Order in the Chaos, Anderson theme, Bad Judges and Mega City one amongst many others. Interestingly they were related to what was taking place in each scenario. Members behind the movie like John Wagner Dredd creator and Stuart Ford executive producer made comments like on the button and super contemporary respectively for the stunner sound tracks.

Credit to director Pete for positioning the actors in their fit role, with the exception of Cassandra who in turn proved anxious but it’s not a big deal since she somewhat delivered. Main man curl urban as Dredd in his noble outfit looked smart in his character both mentally and physically thanks to Dianne colliers and Michael O’Connor for his costumes.
The 95 minute movie is not boring because the action was in the spot unless at some point you loose concentration and you don’t know what’s happening otherwise one interesting thing I like about the movie is Cassandra Anderson’s ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses, probably her sixth sense works perfectly. She did all those through her extrasensory perception.
So as a movie fanatic if movies like Expendables 2 this year did not reach your expectation don’t feel the movie world is jaded watch out for this space!

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