Saturday, 22 September 2012

Who is in Dredd 3D

Release Date: Dredd is programmed to come in the 3D and 2D theaters in USA for the official release of the movie on 21/September/2012.

Studio: the movie is produced in Lionsgate.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi.

Taglines: Judgment is coming.

Country: USA, UK and India.

Language: English.

MPAA Rating: R (meaning strong language, strong bloody violence, sexual content and drug use).

Runtime: 1hr: 30min.

Budget: $45,000,000 (estimated).


Actors: Carl Urban the man from New Zealand who acted in Lords of the ring trilogy here he is called Dredd Judge.

Olivia Thirlby the American actress featured in movies like Juno and the Darkest Hour.

Lena Heady a British actor well known for movies like “The remains of the day, the Jungle book and Onegin”

Director: Pete Travis, an English television and film maker well known for Cold feet and the Jury.

Writer: Carlos Ezquerra (Characters), a Spanish comic artist. Though got popularity in this Movie but has done things before like Bloody Mary, Adventures in the rifle brigade and Just a pilgrim. 

Alex Garland (Screen play), a British novelist who is behind novels like the “beach, 28 days later and coma”

 John Wagner (Characters). He is Born is USA and brought up in Scotland. He wrote the movie batman

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